Clever Technologies company
Clever Technologies is an independent software editor, specialized in the on-call duty supervision – cells crisis management and the SMS or secured messages sending.
We edit and offer a large solution range according to the various types of needs present on the market. They deal with all the industry and/or the security sectors.
By integrating all kind of new technologies, our solutions are accessible via the Internet, in SaaS – ASP mode, or can be installed on demand on our customers’ websites.
An increasing number of customers is more and more pleased with our services, amongst them are many Large Accounts, Administrations, Associations, Schools, Department stores and SME (Small and Medium Enterprises).
Since several years, Clever Technologies has been known as an expert in the on-call duty supervision and multimodal communication in SaaS mode (including the SMS, fax, and emails) domain.
Software Solution
CLEVER Technologies©, expert of alarm and professionals alert SMS, offers a large solution range, in accordance with your different mobile communication needs and uses (SMS server, multimedia, email to fax, email to SMS, vocalized messages) : CleverSMS©.
Their specialized applications, supervision, on-call duty management and crisis cells, integrate the market protocols and concern all the industry and/or security sectors: MEMOGuard©.
Some figures about the SMS market
According to a study led by an American independent company, three quarters of the questioned people declare that their mobile must imperatively be able to receive and send personals SMS, which one, for your information, celebrated its 15th anniversary in December 2007.
In the United States, the mobile users are very fond of the SMS, Europe follows or will follow, because the mobile phone has become for everyone an « almost necessity », which explains the recent boom of the mobiles phone number, which exceeds for France 58 million of units at the end of the year 2008.
In addition to the SMS or text messages, the importance of the function email proves that the mobiles develop more and more the text data along with the voice; 88 % of questioned people consider as “very important” the fact of having a mobile phone in case of emergency.
In France, a new record was beaten on December 31, with more than 300 million of SMS sending, which represents more than a 43 % increase if we compare this figure with the New Year’s Eve of the year 2007. Finally, according to the Arcep’s figures, the SMS number multiplied by two in 2008.
The team Clever Technologies
A team of about fifteen impassioned professionals mainly made up of engineers and executives. Our technical and development departments based in Toulouse were reinforced in 2008, by the arrival of three new development engineers. In the same way, the commercial department was also reinforced by the arrival in 2008 of two sales engineers, of which a person in charge of partnerships.
Location Company Clever Technologies
Administrative and Commercial Department |
After a very promising year 2008, in spite of the current pessimism, we made an increasing turnover of 60% compared to 2007.
Clever Technologies wishes to improve its capacity to answer in an irreproachable way to an increasing number of customers and applicants confronted to the technological innovations.
Therefore, our team expands by recruiting other impassioned professionals…
We remain at your disposal; do not hesitate to contact us if you require any additional information.
We recruit in Paris
– An experienced developer, available immediately for an open-ended contract, Java J2EE langage, SPRING, Hibernate, Eclipse with at least 3 years of experience. Some knowledge about the world of communication would be an advantage.
– A qualified sales agent, who has a successful experience in the world of technology.
– A computer graphic designer, expert in CSS, PHP, Dreamweaver and Flash, who knows how to use the principal softwares of DTP (Desktop Publishing) and the various tools present on the market.